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Altitude Pole
Pole Blog Every pole truth youll ever need to know

Every pole truth you'll ever need to know...

5 minutes
15 July 2024

Curious to know more about pole? Here's every pole truth you'll ever need to know...

  • You probably won't get the hang of it right away.
    It generally takes at least 6-8 weeks to start seeing progress in any athletic pursuit, so be kind to yourself if it's challenging at first.
  • We all start with different skill levels.
    In a beginner class, there will be a mixture of people from different backgrounds. Some people will have a background in dance or gymnastics, and some might not have exercised since high school.
  • It can take a while for your skin to get used to the pole.
    You can expect a few bruises in the beginning, but over time your skin will adapt.
  • It'll be easier in the long run if you start your flexibility journey early!
    As you progress, you'll need some extra flexibility to do a lot of the moves. Our memberships start at 2 classes per week, which is perfect for doing a pole class and a stretch class each week 😉
  • Consistency is key!
    If you want to see solid progress, consistency is the trick to getting there.
  • You'll feel muscles you probably didn't even know existed!
    We're not kidding when we say it's a full body workout - you'll feel it EVERYWHERE 💪
  • You'll probably sleep better.
    Regular exercise is proven to help with sleep, so you'll most likely start noticing yourself catching some extra z's 😴
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  • It doesn't feel like a traditional workout.
    If you find traditional exercise boring or monotonous, you are in for a real treat with pole!
  • You need skin for grip.
    Your skin will help you to grip to the pole, so wearing shorts will be a big help when it comes to doing the moves. In our beginner classes, the most common "grip points" (aka. what's sticking to the pole) are your hands, thighs, knees and lower legs, so wearing medium length jogging shorts and a t-shirt will give you all the grip you need. If that's a hard no for you, there are specialty leggings designed for gripping on the pole.
  • You WILL get stronger.
    And it will show, be prepared for your arms, lats and back to start looking more defined 🔥
  • People of any age, gender or body type can do pole!
    And you know what, they're pretty damn awesome at it!
  • Progress can be slow and subtle.
    There will be moves that you get first try, and then there will be some things that are a slow burn project (ahem, flexibility) - it's part of the fun of pole dancing! You get the thrill of achieving short term goals and the satisfaction of working on a long term goal. Enjoy the journey and celebrate your wins along the way ♥
  • There's no such thing as a "natural" pole dancer.
    It takes time and practice to get good at it.
  • It's pretty damn awesome for your mental health!
    Seriously, the endorphins from class, the confidence boost, the community connection - it's fuel for the soul ♥
  • A "bad" class beats no class at all.
    We all have off days, and sometimes you'll be stuck on struggle street. But showing up, moving your body and allowing that time for yourself feels so damn good!
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  • There's no one-way to do pole.
    You'll find a style that works for you, whether that's leaning into the fitness and tricks side, the dance side, the sexy side or anything else you can imagine! You'll find a way to pole that is 100% unique to you.
  • It is an investment in yourself.
    Pole is a luxury form of fitness, so it'll cost a bit more than your average gym. It's an investment in yourself and your happiness.
  • You definitely want to train both sides.
    If you're right handed, pole dancing on your left might feel weird (kinda like writing with the wrong hand) and vice versa if you're left handed. It's super important to try to train both sides equally for a balanced workout.
  • Pole is a challenge!
    It's what makes it so addictive and fun - there's always something new to work towards!
  • Being uncoordinated and confused is often half the battle.
    It’s okay to speak up and ask questions in class whenever you’re not sure about how to do something, you're instructors are there to help.
  • Your monthly cycle can affect your training.
    It's very normal to notice a change in your strength, flexibility and energy throughout your monthly cycle - you can play this to your advantage by planning your classes around your bodies needs each week.
  • Train smarter, not harder. 
    Know your limits and listen to your body. There are some expected discomforts in pole - squeezing and spinning around a solid metal pole does take a little getting used to, but if you feel like something is yanking your shoulder (or anywhere else) or putting you into a really uncomfortable position, speak up - we're here for a good time AND a long time! 
  • It's helpful to film yourself.
    It'll help you pick up on things you can't see in the mirror, which will ultimately make it easier to learn challenging moves and see what you can improve on. Annnnd it's really cool to look back on those videos months (and years) down the track to see how far you've come!
  • Rest days are ESSENTIAL!
    Rest is a form of training, your body needs recovery time to grow stronger. There are lots of different ways to rest, whether that's taking a day off from exercise to blob on the couch, finding some time for gentle stretches and foam rolling, having a lovely hot bath or even getting a massage! We all rest in different ways, the important thing is to give your body a bit of a break from hardcore training every few days or so.
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  • Pole is addictive (in the best way possible)
    Feeling your body grow stronger, finding a new level of self-confidence, building lasting friendships, having a creative outlet and taking time to do something special for yourself is a great feeling. Soon enough, you'll start planning your week around your fave classes, imagining routines in your head whenever you hear a good song, and eying up every street sign and lamp-post for a cheeky "street pole" fix when nobody else is looking 🚦😏
  • #community
  • #altitude

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